Medicine & Dentistry Preparation
Stage 2
Full year
20 credit
Flexible delivery options available – face to face or external study (with attendance at 4 assessment workshops required throughout the year).
Student eligibility – Please note students need to have achieved A grades in SACE Science, Maths and English subjects or I.B. equivalent to be considered for this course.
Course Overview
This course is designed for Year 12 students applying for medicine and dentistry at university. Students in this course will build skills and knowledge required for entry into these disciplines such as; UCAT skills, verbal reasoning, decision making, quantitative reasoning, abstract reasoning and situational judgement, as well as ethical and moral problem-solving. A big focus early in the year is establishing volunteer networks and in term 3, interview skills. This course can be studied face to face or online. Numbers are limited so a selection criteria may be applied.
School based
40% – Practical Inquiry
30% – Connections
30% – Personal Endeavour
Further Information
This subject will be completed on the Integrated Learning Subject Outline.