Coming to Marden
I enrolled at Marden Senior College to study Year 12 and to get away from my previous high school environment.
Experience at Marden Senior College
I learnt a lot from my experience at Marden. It was a very difficult year for me as I was struggling with personal issues in my life. It was also made more difficult by having to adapt to a new school environment and make new friendship groups whilst studying, with the goal of successfully completing Year 12.
Throughout the year I made an effort just to throw myself into my study as much as I could which was so much easier with the help and support of the teachers and College support staff.
Marden helped me to become more independent and self-disciplined both in my learning and as a person. I completed Year 12 and received outstanding achievement awards for Health and the Research Project.
I have also had the opportunity and privilege to play guitar and sing at the 2013 and 2014 end of year Presentation Night ceremonies at the Norwood Town Hall.
I am grateful to still be connected to some of the staff at Marden and to have memories from my time there, which I know helped me grow as a person.
Achievements to date
Since finishing Year 12 I have gone on to study at Influencers Leadership College.
In 2014 I completed my Certificate IV in Christian Leadership and was also fortunate to be able to attend a short term missions trip to Indonesia where I visited multiple orphanages and was a speaker at different churches.
I have also had the opportunity to be a Youth Leader within my church where I lead, love and support underprivileged children.
Today and the future
Currently I am continuing my study to complete my Diploma in Christian Leadership. In the future I want to continue being heavily involved in the life of Influencers Church as well as being involved in more mission work and helping people to see their worth and importance.