Coming to Marden
After working for many years in an office, I realised that I could be a better, more organised senior member of staff. This drove me to do something about it, redo my year 11 and 12, so I could get into university to further my career aspirations.
Experience at Marden Senior College
Being a mature aged student was exciting and I was eager to learn, much more than when I originally went to school. I found it easy to ask questions, regardless of how silly or simple they may have seemed, which helped me learn and to understand a concept in a way that worked for me.
The teachers were more than happy to have a chat during breaks, to help answer any queries. They were very supportive of any ideas I had of what I was going to study at university. We would discuss life experiences and challenges already encountered in life leading up to, and including Marden Senior College. The fellow students were great and I got along with them all. I see some at university and still catch up with them outside of our studies, they are a great group of friends.
The subjects I did were Research Project, Maths Studies, Specialist Maths and Physics. They all had their challenges, but the teachers were always happy to answer any questions I had. Studying at Marden helped me realise that it doesn’t matter how good a student you are, it is being committed to your goals that is the most important, and powerful, thing. It also helped reinforce that taking time out to help someone with an equation, or understanding a new concept is a good thing, regardless of my own workload at the time, it is appreciated and it makes me feel good about helping them. I have carried this with me to university, where I help out by being a peer tutor.
Marden was a really great opportunity and experience to have and I really appreciate all the help and support I received from the staff and fellow students. We were all there for the same reason, to learn.
Achievements to date
I was accepted into a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science at the University of South Australia. Since beginning university, I have quit my job so I can study as a full-time student to do the best I possibly can in this degree. I plan on finishing my degree and to begin work in my new field. Studying at Marden really helped me focus and get into a study rhythm.