Photo Image Permissions
Permission to use image, video, voice, and/or creative work of students
The Department for Education develops teaching, learning and promotional materials and publishes them in print and digitally (eg on websites and social media accounts). These are often published on websites (eg school website, department website, Scootle™, iTunes™ or other online environments).
By completing and returning this form, I grant permission for the Department for Education to create/use:
- photographs, video or audio recordings of me
- samples of my work
- a written comment made by me
and to distribute them in the following locations:
- printed publications (eg newsletters, year book, promotional material)
- secure intranet websites and publically accessible websites, including social media accounts.
The permission will continue until I revoke permission in writing to the principal of the school, director of the preschool or manager of the service.
Any material placed on publically accessible websites under a CC-BY-NC licence will be available to download and use. This licence is perpetual (forever), free, worldwide, non-exclusive and allows for the replication, distribution, display, performance and remixing of copyrighted work for non-commercial purposes, provided that the author is credited.
- Items might not appear in exactly the form in which they have been submitted and not every item for which permission is granted will be used.
- Items which contain images/references to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may be accompanied by warning text to indicate that the work may include people who have passed away.
- Where permission is revoked, every effort will be made to remove relevant media from distribution, however this may not be possible or practical in some situations.